Wine in the heart of Europe
trade fair for wine professionals

Discovering Hungarian wines |at Wine Prague 2023

24.05.2023 |

At the Wine Prague International Wine Fair in May, four wineries of the Fine Wine Association of Hungary jointly presented their products. During the two-day event, many wine professionals and wine lovers discovered Hungarian wines and got to know the wine regions.

Every year, Wine Prague aims to provide a professional environment for tasting to wine lovers, as well as trade members, journalists, sommeliers. With Prague being one of the hubs of the Central and Eastern European wine market, the event offers the chance to taste not only local, i.e. Czech and Moravian wines, but also those produced by the numerous exhibitors from Europe and overseas, including several New World producers. Guests were able to taste and talk at the stands and take part in masterclasses.

Hungary was represented by several wine regions at the Hungarian stand which was arranged and set up by the Fine Wine Association of Hungary. Thanks to its central location and its modern, unique design, many visitors were curious to find out what Hungarian producers had on offer at the community stand. You can find the full list of the Hungarian wines show here.

After the forced hiatus of recent years, Fine Wines Association members were delighted to have the opportunity to represent their wine regions and wines abroad again. Many Czech and foreign merchants, sommeliers and wine lovers came to the FWA booth, and their feedback was that they liked the fact that the Fine Wines Association was exhibiting together, not only because of the joint effort – cooperation is always well received - but also because they could get a lot of information about the wines and hear stories about the wineries at the same spot. We were able to set up wine flights according to the individual preferences of visitors, thus we felt they spent more time at the FWA than at other stands. We offered a more varied and complete experience by giving guests the opportunity to visit five Hungarian wine regions in one go, and all members of the FWA team were prepared to provide information about any of the member wineries.

It was great to finally visit a wine fair in person and we were particularly delighted when representatives of local, Czech wineries were curious enough to come by and taste our wines. We have all concluded that there is a need for the educational activities that the FWA carries out about Hungarian wines, wine styles and wine regions. There are still a number of preconceptions that Hungarian wineries need to dispel. Based on the Prague experience this can be done particularly effectively when visitors get the chance to taste Hungarian wines on the spot and get answers to their questions about the Hungarian wine sector. 

The FWA encourages everyone who travels to Hungary to make sure they visit one - or all! - of the four wine regions and experience the spirit of the wineries in person:

  • Eger – Tóth Ferenc Winery
  • Etyek – Etyeki Kúria Winery
  • Szekszárd – Vida Péter Szekszárd
  • Tokaj – Tokaj-Hétszőlő Organic Vineyards

As a teaser, we offer our digital publications in Czech and English, filled with interesting stories and wine recommendations.


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